Mintzátuz gain adjetiboak, eta orohar burúz hitz-ordena, akaso komeni da ikus daigun ondoko ekarpena on Dwight L. Bolinger hizkuntzalaria, nok 1951an postulatu zuén oinarrizko teoria bat burúz hitz-ordenaren ondorio semantikoak. Bere artikulua deitzen dá "Linear modification" eta hauxe da bere laburpentxoa:
Elements as they are added one by one to form a sentence progressively limit the semantic range of all that has preceded. This causes beginning elements to have a wider semantic range than elements toward the end. The concept of linear modification thus developed knits together a number of otherwise heterogeneous manifestations of sentence order in English, and provides a plausible theory of adjective position. [Bolinger, 1952:1117]Saiatuko gara mintzatzen gain artikulu hori an ondorengo sarrerak. [2539] [>>>]
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