... Dwight L. Bolinger hizkuntzalaria, nok 1951an postulatu zuén oinarrizko teoria bat burúz hitz-ordenaren ondorio semantikoak. Bere artikulua deitzen dá "Linear modification" eta hauxe da bere laburpentxoa:
Elements as they are added one by one to form a sentence progressively limit the semantic range of all that has preceded. This causes beginning elements to have a wider semantic range than elements toward the end. The concept of linear modification thus developed knits together a number of otherwise heterogeneous manifestations of sentence order in English, and provides a plausible theory of adjective position. [Bolinger, 1952:1117]
Ikus daigun orain ondorengo aurkezpená on kontzeptua on modifikazio lineala (ganik Jana Chamonikolasová-k an bere "Word order and Linear Modification in English", 2009):
zein agertzen dén lotua kin kontzeptuak nola thema eta rhema, sortuak an Pragako Eskola, eta guk askotan erabiliak. [2540] [>>>]1. The concept of linear modification
The term linear modification was introduced in linguistic theory by Bolinger (1952: 1125), who claims that within a sentence, "gradation of position creates gradation of meaning when there are no interfering factors". Bolinger’s study of the relationship between syntax and semantics suggests that speakers and writers tend to express pieces of information in order of increasing information value. The placement of less important (context dependent or accessible) ideas in initial position and more important ideas in final position reflects the processes taking place in the communication participants’ minds. [Chamonikolasová, 2009:17]
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