astelehena, urtarrila 24, 2022

Firbas (1971): "I also believe to be right in assuming that this conclusion is quite in harmony with the character of human apprehension."

Atzo ikusten genuen nóla Firbas (1971) zúen planteatzen bere konklusioa gain esaldiko informazioaren antolamendu orokor efizienteena (azpi baldintza orokorrak), zeintan karga komunikatiboa joango litzaken agertzen progresiboki, ondo prestatuz bukaera bat non emanen zén informazio rhematikoena, ezustekoena, xeheena. Gaur azpimarratu nahi genuke ze Firbas ari da mintzatzen gain prozesamendua noiz dioén:

I also believe to be right in assuming that this conclusion is quite in harmony with the character of human apprehension. [Firbas, 1971:138]
Bai, in harmony with the character of human apprehension azpi baldintza orokorrak. [>>>]

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