asteartea, abendua 24, 2024

Ueno-Polinsky (2002): "Such models predict that S(ubject)-O(bject)-V(erb) languages are harder to process than SVO languages, since the parser would have to hold both S and O until it hits V, as opposed to only holding S in SVO."

Irakurtzen dugu an atzoko papera ganik Mieko Ueno eta Maria Polinsky ("Maximizing processing in an SOV language: A corpus study of Japanese and English", 2002):

A number of parser models (e.g., Pritchett, 1992; Babyonyshev & Gibson, 1999) are based on the idea that syntactic attachment happens at the verbal head, which gives the parser information about semantic roles and grammatical relations of argument noun phrases. Such models predict that S(ubject)-O(bject)-V(erb) languages are harder to process than SVO languages, since the parser would have to hold both S and O until it hits V, as opposed to only holding S in SVO. [Ueno-Polinsky, 2002]

Hor berriro oso argi gelditzen da ze aspalditik existitzen dira eredu teorikoak zeinen ondorioak dirén ze  S(ubject)-O(bject)-V(erb) languages are harder to process than SVO languages. [2582] [>>>]