ostirala, urria 04, 2024

Yngue (1960): " On the other hand,... a progressive structure, can be extended indefinitely without requiring more than a minimum of temporary storage"

Atzokoan mintzo ginén buruz (guk dakigularik) aurreneko eredu formala non modelatzen dén atzerakarga, eta non, ondorioz, ondo ezberdintzen den artén prozesamendu linguistikoa an estruktura progresiboak (burulehenak) eta prozesamendu linguistikoa an alderantzizko egiturak, zein dirén estruktura regresibaok edo buruazkenak (Yngue, 1960: "A model and an hypothesis for language structure"). Horrela,...

The longer a regressive structure becomes, the more temporary storage it requires. [Yngue, 1960:451]
eta nola epe laburreko memoria hori (lan-memoria) oso mugatua izanen litzaken (ereduan gehienez 3 sinbolo), horrek eraginen luké tope regresibo bat:

If the memory is small, say with a capacity for only three symbols, only sentences with a depth no larger than three can be pro­duced, as in figure 8. [Yngue, 1960:451]
Eta, galdetzen genuén atzo,...

... zér gertatuko litzaké an estruktura progresiboak?
Ba, zeozer oso ezberdina

On the other hand. a structure branching off to the right, as in figure 8 (b), a progressive structure, can be extended indefinitely without requiring more than a minimum of temporary storage. It is only because of the possibility of indefinitely long progressive structures that our device can pro­duce any sentence out of an infinite set of sentences. [Yngue, 1960:451]


non (b) estruktura progresiboa luzatu ahal da indefinituki (indefinitely) kin atzerakarga minimoa, memori zama minimoa (bateko sakonera edo depth one). Hortxe dugú, 1960an, atzerakarga prefektuki modelatua. [2501] [>>>]