igandea, martxoa 01, 2020

Bide beretik izan genezaké "d(a)rantz(a)..." ere

Aurreko sarreran komentatzen genuén ha aukera adlatiboa on "dara..." prepositiboa, berdin nola lehenago ikusiak genituén "draino..." eta "danik...". Bide beretik izan genezaké "d(a)rantz(a)..." ere. Horren inguruan, Ekaitz Santazilia-k biltzen dizkigú ondorengo azalpenak buruz nóla sor zitekén "-rantz" atzizkia (an "Noun Morphology", 2013):
More recently, Gómez (2005) has reconstructed *-raontz, from which the three attested variants could be derived. It would be an agglutination of the allative -ra plus an old noun *-ontz, which according to Gómez would be semantically close to Lat. versus ‘facing → towards’, and would have undergone the same grammaticalization. Hence, the Basque reconstruction might be a loan translation of the Latin ad versum (ibid.: 276). The Basque word ontzi ‘recipient (of a liquid)’, in turn, would be a morphological derivation of that *-ontz
Lakarra (2008a) suggests that ontzi is a loan word (possibly from Lat. conchea ‘shell-like, concave’), and prefers instead *-ra + dontz (ibid.: 484), or even *-ra + *-da-non-tz, as the source of the directional allative. This would be formed by the variant *-rada (> -rat) of the allative (cf. § + the Proto-Basque root *non + the derivational suffix -tz. The root *non would have a meaning of movement which would also be present in joan ‘to go’ (< *e-danon) (cf. Lakarra 2006a: 583-4). [Santazilia, 2013:267-268]
Jatorria edozein delarik, eta jarráiki ber eredu sortzailea (ber mekanismo sortzailea) nondik atera dén adibidez "draino...", eskura legoke "d(a)rantz(a)..." ere. [821] [>>>]

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