igandea, abendua 16, 2018

Inglesezko "the" artikulua ez da baizik "that" higatu bat

Genioen an aurreko sarrera nóla munduko hizkuntzetan ez den batere arraroa koexistitu daitezén hitz-aldaera ezberdinak an erabilera sintaktiko berezituak. Horren adibide bat dirá inglesaren "that" erakuslea eta "the" artikulu definitua; eta beste bat, inglesezko "one" numerala eta "a" artikulu indefinitua. Irakurtzen dugu an Wikipedia:
Articles have developed independently in many different language families across the globe. Generally, articles develop over time usually by specialization of certain adjectives or determiners, and their development is often a sign of languages becoming more analytic instead of synthetic, perhaps combined with the loss of inflection as in English, Romance languages, Bulgarian, Macedonian and Torlakian. [Wikipedia]
Interesgarria da azpimarratzea nóla artikulu definituak eta indefinituak garatu dirén independenteki an anitz familia linguistiko barrén mundua. Gainera, bádira garabide tipikoak:
Definite articles typically arise from demonstratives meaning that. [Wikipedia]
Indefinite articles typically arise from adjectives meaning one. [Wikipedia]
Bai, inglesezko "the" artikulu definitu orokorra ez da baizik "that" erakusle singular higatu bat, berdin nola "a" artikulu indefinitu singularra ez den baizik "one" numeral higatu bat, halatan ze, egun, hitz beraren bi aldaera ezberdin koexistitzen dira an erabilera sintaktiko eta semantiko berezituak (specialization). [405] [>>>]

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