asteartea, urtarrila 26, 2021

Dryer (2011): 'I think that most assumptions about genealogical classification would lead to the same conclusion.'

Atzo irakurtzen genituén ondorengo konklusioak ganik Gell-mann eta Ruhlen an euren "The origin and evolution of word order (2011):

non sugeritzen den ze munduko hizkuntza guztiak, edo ia, etor litezke ti antzinako mintzaira bakar bat, zeinen oinarrizko hitz ordena litzaké SOV. Horretaz, Dryer (2011) (ikus hemen, hemen edo hemen) dio:hots

I don't think their argument depends much on the particular assumptions they make. I think that most assumptions about genealogical classification would lead to the same conclusion. [Dryer, 2011]

... ber konklusioa ezen existitu zén antzinako sintaxi bat kin oinarrizko SOV ordena. []

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