Gell-Mann eta Ruhlen (2011): 'Reversion to SOV occurs only through diffusion'
Sarrera honetan edo atzokoan bertan irakurri ditugu zenbait komentario oso interesgarri ganik Dryer hizkuntzalari ezaguna (2011), zein, finean, referitzen ari zen ki ondorengo artikulua ga Gell-Mann eta Ruhlen, baita 2011koa (gogoratu ze Dryer dá autorea e egungo datu-base tipologiko aberatsena, erabiliena, ... ):
zeinen konklusioak dirén hauek (Gell-Mann eta Ruhlen, 2011):
non:- (i) The word order in the ancestral language was SOV.
- (i) Except for cases of diffusion, the direction of syntactic change, when it occurs, has been for the most part SOV > SVO and, beyond that, SVO > VSO/VOS with a subsequent reversion to SVO occurring occasionally. Reversion to SOV occurs only through diffusion.
- (iii) Diffusion, although important, is not the dominant process in the evolution of word order.
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