osteguna, ekaina 27, 2024

Lambrecht (1994) burúz perpaus mailako fokuak: "The pragmatic function of sentences like [perpaus mailako fokuak] will be called EVENT-REPORTING." [alegia, ohiko funtzioá on egunkarietako titularrak]

Jarraituz mintzatzen burúz ordena posible ezberdinak an kontextu komunikatibo konkretuak, ikus daigun zér zioen Knud Lambrecht-ek (oinarrizko referentzia baita) an bere "Information structure and sentence form: Topics, focus, and the mental representations of discourse referents" (1994) burúz perpaus mailako fokuak, erabiliz honako adibidea (aipatua an gure master-lana, 2010):

(a) The CHILDREN went to SCHOOL

The answer in [(a)] is not, or at least not primarily, construed as conveying information about the children. Rather its function is to inform the addressee of an EVENT involving the children as participants. The pragmatic function of sentences like (a) will be called EVENT-REPORTING. In [(a)], the pragmatic presupposition required by the reply is merely that something happened. Since the focus of the assertion covers the entire proposition "The children went to school," the sentence is contextually relatively independent and could be felicitously uttered "out of the blue". [Lambrecht, 1994: 124]

Hortik gaur nabarmendu nahi genuke ze halako foku zabalen helburu pragmatikoa dá...

...to inform the addressee of an EVENT involving the children [zein den sujetua] as participants. The pragmatic function of sentences like (a) will be called EVENT-REPORTING. [Lambrecht, 1994: 124]
Ikusten denez, halako perpaus mailako fokuen helburu pragmatikoa (EVENT REPORTING) izanen litzaké ohiko helburuá on egunkarietako titularrak, justuki euren ohiko helburu berbera. [2402] [>>>]