igandea, iraila 08, 2024

Aristoteles-en lana zaharra bada, Panini-k idatzi zuén are lehenago: an V. mendea lehenago zein gure aroa

Atzoko aipu luzetxoan aipatzen zirén Aristoteles-en printzipioak on lehentasuna artén expresio linguistiko ezberdinak, zeintaz Horn (2022) mintzo dén an hasierá on bere artikulua:

Aristoteles zúen idatzi an (oraingo aroaren aurreko) o.a.a. IV-mendea, zein den oso garai zaharra, baina báda horren aurrekaririk ere: hain zuzen Panini gramatikari sanskritoa, nok idatzi baitzuen mende bat lehenago, an V. mendea lehenago zein gure aroa (ikus "Horn (2022): "... PANINI's PRINCIPLE [zein dén Behaghel-en goragoko legea] is a subcase of a more general rightward tendency for heavier or more complex material to appear later in a phrase or clause.""), nola irakurri ahal dugún an ondorengo aipua ti Horn (2022:816):

The factors involved in determining the order of 'fixed binomials' (Malkiel 1959) or 'freezes' (Cooper & Ross 1975), as well as partially frozen binomial asymmetries (cf. Benor & Levy 2006), have been explored since the Sanskrit grammarian Panini (roughly fifth-century BCE), although his focus was primarily on the phonological ingredients in the mix. Especially since the mid-twentieth century, linguists have tried their hand at investigating the morphological, semantic, pragmatic, and cognitive factors determining the relative or absolute ordering of paired nouns, DPs, and adjectives, upgrading Quintilian's apodeictic rules into empirical predictions. Among the generalizations arrived at (see Lohmann 2014 for a comprehensive inventory) are those in 8, where A < B = 'A precedes B' .

(8)     SHORTER < LONGER (m syllable count, vowel quantity) 

LESS COMPLEX < MORE COMPLEX (morphologically/syntactically) 




Dudagabe, oso laburpen interesantea eskaintzen digu Horn-ek (2022) an aurreko aipua, zeintaz saiatuko garén zerbait gehiago esaten an ondorengo sarrerak. [2475]