igandea, abendua 16, 2018

Nóla sortzen diren artikulu definituak ti erakusleak

Genioen an aurreko sarrera, ze, munduan zehar, artikulu definitu atonoak, nola "the", tipikoki sortzen dira ti erakusle tonikoaknola "thát". Hans Adler hizkuntzalariak azaltzen digu nóla gertatzen den prozesua, gainetik bada ere, to get a feeling:
Modern Romance and Germanic languages have indefinite and definite articles, but their ancestors Latin and proto-Germanic didn't have them. It's easy to get a feeling for how the numeral one and demonstratives evolved into them.
Suppose we start with a language in which it is normal not to use articles:
(1) There is tree over there. Tree is tall.
[...] Sometimes you want to stress it's only one tree, and that the tree in the second sentence is the same as the one in the first sentence:
(2) There is one tree over there. That tree is tall.
Now it can happen that over the centuries, the style (2) of expressing things becomes more and more popular until finally using one;or that doesn't necessarily stress anything any more and style (1) falls totally out of use. At this point, the pronunciation of unstressed one and that becomes more and more careless, until it is distinguishable from stressed one; and that:
(3) There is a tree over there. The tree is tall. [Hans Adler]
Bai, hasieran hiztunak egin nahi izaten dú referentzia explizitu bat ki jada aipatutako "tree" zehatz eta definitu hori, eta horretarako erabiltzen du erakuslea: "thát tree", zein baita tonikoa, eta zein, funtzio diskursibo horretan normalizatu ahala, joango den bilakatzen artikulu berezitu atonoa: "the tree". [406] [>>>]

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