igandea, abuztua 01, 2021

Bai, abiapuntu ezberdinetatik, evidentzia enpirikoak islatzen du antzinako SOV sintaxi oso orokortua

Atzoko sarreran, Givón-ek aipatzen zuén artikulu bat ga Ruhlen & Gell-Man, zein momentu hartan ez zen publikatua, baina zein gero, behin argitara emana, aipatuko genuén adibidez an gure sarrera titulatzén "Dryer (2011): 'I think that most assumptions about genealogical classification would lead to the same conclusion.'", non justuki Dryer tipologista ari da gain konklusio bat ti artikulu hori. Gogora daigun sarrera hura:

Atzo genuen irakurtzen ondorengo konklusioak ganik Gell-mann eta Ruhlen an euren "The origin and evolution of word order (2011):

non sugeritzen da ze munduko hizkuntza guztiak, edo ia, etor litezke ti antzinako mintzaira bakar bat, zeinen oinarrizko hitz ordena litzaké SOV. Horretaz, Dryer (2011) (ikus hemen, hemen edo hemen) dio:hots

I don't think their argument depends much on the particular assumptions they make. I think that most assumptions about genealogical classification would lead to the same conclusion. [Dryer, 2011]

... ber konklusioa ezen existitu zén antzinako sintaxi bat kin oinarrizko SOV ordena.

Era berean, gogora geinke ondoko sarrera ere ("Dryer (2011): '..., SOV is much more common in small language families, suggesting that there was a time a few thousand years ago when SOV was by far the most common word order in the world.'"):

Atzo Newmeyer-ek aipatzen zuén Dryer, zein den akaso munduko tipologistarik zailduena, eta gaur fijatuko gara an ondorengo argudioa ti Dryer bera, non kontrajartzen dira datu estatikoak ("although the two orders are about equally common") eta bestelako datu kualitatiboak, nondik segituko dirén ondorio dinamikoak respektu evoluzioa e sintaxia an munduko hizkuntzak. Ikus daigun Dryer (2011):

The distribution of SOV versus SVO in the world is quite striking in that although the two orders are about equally common, SOV is much more common in small language families, suggesting that there was a time a few thousand years ago when SOV was by far the most common word order in the world. [Dryer, 2011]

Nahizta, jakina, ezin dugun jakin ziurtasunez nolákoa izan den munduko sintaxien historia zehatza eta osoa, evidentziak apuntatzen du ki SOV ordena nola oso-oso zabaldua an garai zaharrak.

Bai, abiapuntu ezberdinetatik, evidentzia enpirikoak islatzen du antzinako SOV sintaxi oso orokortua. []
