osteguna, maiatza 17, 2012

Bryson: "Such headlines can be confusing, to say the least"

Erantzunez a Gilen an bloga deitzen referentziak.

Hóri pilaketá on modifikatzaileak aurrén euren referente semantikoa (izena), zein batzutan egiten dan inglesez, báditú muga argiak, eta ez da bereziki gomendagarria, salbu akaso an zirkunstantziak non izen hori ahal dan aurreikusi kontextualki. Ikus ondorengo aipua ganik Bill Bryson (an "Troublesome words", 2009:4):
adjective pile-up. Many journalists, in an otherwise commendable attempt to pack as much information as possible into a confined space, often resort to the practice of piling adjectives in front of the subject, as in this Times headline: "Police rape claim woman in court." Apart from questions of inelegance, such headlines can be confusing, to say the least. A hurried reader, expecting a normal subject-verb-object construction, could at first conclude that the police have raped a claim-woman in court before the implausibility of that notion makes him go back and read the headline again. Readers should never be required to retrace their steps, however short the journey. Although the practice is most common in headlines, it sometimes crops up in text, as here: "His annual salary is accompanied by an up to 30 per cent performance bonus" (Observer). The ungainliness here could instantly be obviated by making it "accompanied by a performance bonus of up to 30 per cent."
Bistan da, azken sintagma nominal regresibo horren barruan (hasieratik dakigu sintagma nominala dala zeren hasten da kin "an" artikulua) Bryson ari da gomendatzen desdoblamendu progresibo bat afin hobetu komunikazioa, inglesez ere.

Gure helburua izan beharko litzake lortzea te euskara (te euskaldunak) funtsezko aukera sintaktiko-diskursibo progresiboak zein erabiliko ziran aukeran, libreki, noiz nahi dan. Horrek ez du zerikusi zuzenik kin gaztelania, frantsesa, katalana, gailegoa edo inglesa (nahiz eta hizkuntza horiek guztiak funtsezko aukera progresiboak izan). Horrek du zerikusi zuzena kin komunikazioa. [164] []



Blogger Josu Lavin said...

International Auxiliary Language Association

Cer erran nahi du honec:?

Asociación para (?) una (?) lengua auxiliar internacional

International eta Auxiliary adjectivoec cein substantivo qualificatcen dute?

Pilaqueta regressivo hauec ez dute inolaco mesederic eguiten.

osteguna, maiatza 17, 2012 1:12:00 PM  

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