asteazkena, abendua 01, 2021

Hawkins (1990): "... in languages in which NP consistently precedes the V within VP, the postposition within PP, and the head noun within NP, ..."

Ikusten genuen atzo eta herenegun nóla SOV ordenak zún galtzen efizientzia baldin supósatu ze soilik aditzek eraiki ahal zutén euren aditz-sintagma: 

Because of the extra advantages afforded by early VP recognition, it is clearly preferable for these grammars to have unique constructors of VP positioned in advance of the verb. [Hawkins, 1994:464]

Bai, SOV ordenan efizientzia-emaitzak hobetuko lirake baldin, demagun, izen-sintagma batek (NP bat) inanbiguoki eraiki ahalko balu VP bat, baina supuesto hori iruditzen zaigu gutxienik fortzatua, kontuan hartuz ze (ikus sarrera hau):

... in languages in which NP consistently precedes the V within VP, the postposition within PP, and the head noun within NP, the attachment of NP to its dominating node cannot be made with confidence until the relevant (rightmost) head category is encountered. [Hawkins, 1990]

Bai, ...

... in languages in which NP consistently precedes the V within VP, the postposition within PP, and the head noun within NP, ... [Hawkins, 1990]
... adibidez, objetu bat (izen-sintagma bat) egon daiteke sintaktikoki barné sujetu zabalago bat (beste izen-sintagma bat) zeinen burua agertzen dén geroago. []