ostirala, abendua 13, 2024

BEHAGHEL'S SECOND LAW: That which is less important (or already known to the listener) is placed before that which is more important (or unknown) ... Old concepts are placed before new.

Vueltatuz ki Behaghel-en legeak (1932), zeintaz jada hasi ginen egiten zenbait komentario an [2485], ikus daigun gaurkoan hango bigarren legea:

BEHAGHEL'S SECOND LAW: That which is less important (or already known to the listener) is placed before that which is more important (or unknown) ... Old concepts are placed before new. [Horn, 2022:118]
Hortxe daukagu progresibitate rhematikoa, non informazioa abiatzen dén ti kontextualena, ezagunena (beharrezkoa balitz) eta amaitzen den an helburuzko informazioa, informazioa bera, non hiztunak bildu nahi izanen dú bere expresibitatea. Eta orain ere, galdetu behar dugú (nola an [2485]): nóla ordenatuko genituzke optimoki esaldiko hiru elementu nagusiak (S, V eta O) aráuz printzipio informatibo hori? Jarraitukó. [2571] [>>>]