ostirala, azaroa 12, 2021

Aditzaren osagarria izaten dá esaldiko parte dinamikoena (informazio rhematikoena, xehetuena, uztartzeko zailena, hedagarriena, pisutsuena, prosodikoki indartsuena)

Bai, aditzaren osagarria izaten dá esaldiko parte dinamikoena (informazio rhematikoena, xehetuena, uztartezko zailena, hedagarriena, pisutsuena, prosodikoki markatuena). Eta dinamismo horrek zuzenean eramaten gaitu ki dinamismo komunikatiboa ga Firbas barné Pragako Eskola eta haien Functional Sentence Perspective, zein adibidez, János Nagy-k honela aurkeztu zuen an bere 2015eko doktore-tesia:

The founder of the FSP [Functional Sentence Perspective] theory was Vilém Mathesius (1975), who wanted to set up a formal system for dividing the sentence into parts according to their information-load. [Nagy, 2015]
gero azálduz zértan den perspektiba funtzional hori:

In the FSP [Functional Sentence Perspective], functional refers to the functional linguistic and theoretical approach. It operates primarily at the sentence level, but through sentence level analysis we can get to a higher text level [...]. It is perspectival, because perspective expresses here the inner dynamism of a sentence unit, namely its directedness towards the most rhematic element in the sentence. [Nagy, 2015]
Eskola horretan Firbas mintzo zén gain dinamismo komunikatiboa, adibidez an bere artikulua titúlatzen "A functional view of 'ordo naturalis'" (1979), non dioen:

Let me approach the problem from the point of view of communicative importance (communicative weight), or rather — to take the dynamic character of communication duly into account — communicative dynamism (= CD) (Cf. Firbas 1971). The concept of CD is based on the fact that communication is not a static, but a dynamic phenomenon. By CD I understand a quality displayed by communication in its development (unfolding) of the information to be conveyed and consisting in advancing this development. By the degree of CD carried by a sentence element, I understand the extent to which the sentence element contributes to the further development of the communication.

The concept of CD can be established empirically and inductively. Adopting this approach, we find that elements conveying known information (context dependent elements) contribute less to the further development of communication than elements conveying unknown information (context independent elements). Context dependent elements carry a lower degree of CD than context independent elements. [Firbas, 1979]

Bai aditzaren osagarria izaten dá esaldiko parte dinamikoena, rhematikoena, xehetuena, uztartzeko zailena, hedagarriena, pisutsuena, prosodikoki indartsuena. non dén garatzen informazio zehatzena ("development (unfolding) of the information"). 

Aditza ez da hain dinamikoa, ez da hain rhematikoa (nahiz bere informazioa dén fundamentala ki jarraitu garatzen esaldia), ez da hain xehetua (justuki osagarriak xehatzen eta osatzen du aditza), ez da zaila uztartzeko (prozesatzeko), baizik ondo erraza (sujetuaren ostean perfektuki uztartzen da bai sintaktikoki, bai semantikoki, bai diskursiboki, bai ...), ez da hedagarria (aditza hedatzen da justuki bidéz bere osagarria), ez da hain pisutsua (ez da izaten batere pisutsua), ez da hain prosodikoki indartsua (justuki zatio bere izaera gutxio rhematikoa zein bere osagarria), halan-ze esan ahal da ze aditzaren informazioa dá garatzen (destolezten, unfolding) an bere (orohar hobe geroko) osagarria. []
