larunbata, azaroa 06, 2021

Hawkins (1990): "l will argue that a surprising number of cross-linguistic regularities follow naturally from simple considerations of processing ease."

Atzo aipatu genuén Hawkins, eta gaur aipatu nahiko genuke bere artikulua titulátzen "A parsing theory of word orders universals" (1990), non autorea joango dén jartzen oinarriak ki bere teoria prozesatzailea. Hantxe dio, adibidez, ze:

l will argue that a surprising number of cross-linguistic regularities folow naturally from simple considerations of processing ease. [Hawkins, 1990]

Finean, teoriaren gakoa oinarrituko litzaké an konsiderazio aski sinpleak gain prozesamendu linguistikoa ("simple considerations of processing ease"). []