Ifrah (1994). "[frantsesean] ... until the seventeenth century other multiples of twenty were in regular use."
Genioen atzo ze:
Oinarrizko sistema dezimal (idatzi) batean, hogeinakako zenbaki altuxeak ("seiogei", "zazpiogei", ...) ikas litezke nola labelak artio muga (aski labur) bat, baina, finean, esan behar da ze irakurketa hogeitar sistematikoa ez da ondo konpontzen kin idazkera dezimala, halan-ze espero behar dugu ze irakurketa (eta, orohar, kodifikazio-dekodifikazio) vigesimalak joan daitezen erabiltzen gerota gutxiago, batez ere an kantitate altuak: zenbat eta kantitate altuagoak, orduan eta esamolde hogeitar gutxiago.
Normalean, halako zenbaki hogeitar altuxeak agertuko dira an hizkuntzak non erabili dirén sistema numeriko vigesimalak, nola frantsesean, baina agertuko dirá gerota gutxiago:
French also has many traces of vigesimal counting. The number 80 is "four twenties" (quatre-vingts) in modern French, and until the seventeenth century other multiples of twenty were in regular use. Six-vingts (6 x 20 = 120) can be found in Molière's Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (...); the seventeenth-century corps of the sargeants of the city of Paris, who numbered 220 in all, was known as the Corps des Onze-Vingts (11 x 20), and the hospital, originally built by Louis XI to house 300 blind veteran soldiers, was an still is called the Hôpital des Quince-Vingts (15 x 20 = 300). [Ifrah, 1994:38]Egun, halako kantitate hogeitar handixeak (handiago 100) frantsesez soilik agertuko dirá nola zantzuak tikan sistema hogeitar zahar eta zaharkitu bat zein iraganean zén askoz produktiboagoa. [1637] [>>>]
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