Trask (1997) gain '*eradun' formak an gipuzkera: "...they are attested in G until the early eighteentg century,..."
Atzokoan galdetzen genuén:
Hizkera zentralean, ordea, aurkitzen ditugú "*eradun"-formak zein hasten dirén kin:
- "di..." (dirau...)
Baina, galdera dá: nóndik sor zitezkén "di..." forma horiek?
Horretaz, has gaitezen ikusten zér dioskun Trask-ek an bere "The history of Basque" (1997):
The eastern varieties show forms like derauka - drauka - daroka (rarely doro - doo) 'he/she has it to him/her'. Such forms are well attested in L and LN, and they are attested in G until the early eighteentg century, and in the HN in the sixteenth century, suggesting that they are the more conservative forms. [Trask, 1997:233]
Gainera, nola ikusi ahal dugun an, adibidez, ondorengo sarrera hau:
gipuzkerazko "*eradun" formak hasi ohi zirén ti "di...". [>>>]
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