Lotuz Behaghel-en bigarren legea kin Firbas-en teoria funtzionala on dinamismo komunikatiboa
Atzokoan aipatzen genuén Behaghel-en bigarren lege guztiz interesgarria, zein den lotua kin informazioaren progresioa barnén esaldia:
BEHAGHEL'S SECOND LAW: That which is less important (or already known to the listener) is placed before that which is more important (or unknown) ... Old concepts are placed before new. [Horn, 2022:118]Eta horrekin lotuta, gogoratu nahi genuke Firbas-en teoria funtzionala oinarritua an dinamismo komunikatibo gorakorra, non finean biltzen dén ber ideia on progresio informatiboa barnén esaldia:
Genioen herenegun ze esango genuen zeozer gehiago gain Firbas-en teoria funtzionala, eta hor doá ondorengo aipua ti bere artikulua titúlatzen "On the concept of communicative dynamism in the theory of functional sentence perspective" (1971):
Sentence linearity is an indisputable fact. It makes the speaker/writer arrange the linguistic elements in a linear sequence, in a line, and develop the discourse step by step. I believe to be right in assuming that the most natural way of such gradual development is to begin at the beginning and proceed in steady progression, by degrees, towards the fulfilment of the communicative purpose of the discourse. If this assumption is correct, then a sequence showing a gradual rise in degrees of CD (i.e. starting with the lowest degree and gradually passing on to the highest degree) can be regarded as displaying the basic distribution of CD. [Firbas, 1971:138]Hori da Firbas-en planteaméndu orokorra: informazioa joango litzake progrésatzen gradualki, hásiz ti informazio thematikoena (tipikoki sujetua) eta bukátuz an parte rhematikoena (tipikoki an osagarriak).
Horren ondoan baita gogoratu nahi genuké ondoko beste pasarte hau ganik Firbas, non lotzen duén bere teoria funtzionala kin prozesamendu linguistikoa:
Finean, ideia bera. [2573] [>>>]Atzo ikusten genuen nóla Firbas (1971) zúen planteatzen bere konklusioa gain esaldiko informazioaren antolamendu orokor efizienteena (azpi baldintza orokorrak), zeintan karga komunikatiboa joango litzakén agertzen progresiboki, ondo prestatuz bukaera bat non emanen zén informazio rhematikoena, ezustekoena, xeheena. Gaur azpimarratu nahi genuke ze Firbas ari da mintzatzen gain prozesamendua noiz dioén:
I also believe to be right in assuming that this conclusion is quite in harmony with the character of human apprehension. [Firbas, 1971:138]Bai, in harmony with the character of human apprehension azpi baldintza orokorrak.
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