Givón (1979) mintzo da (nagusiki) gain Chomsky-ren gramatika transformazional-generatiboa
Jada an 1979, Talmy Givón-ek honela hasten zuén bere liburu titulatuá "On understanding grammar", non mintzo zen nagusiki gain Chomsky-ren gramatika transformazioanal-generatiboa: (1979:1-2):
This chapter is of necessity polemic, and that is a necessity I regret and would like to apologize for. The history of American linguistics over the past 50 years is awash with acrimonious name-calling, sterile arguments, and the rhythmic rise and fall of pseudotheories and trumped-up issues whose relation to the facts of human language is tenuous at best. [Givón, 1979:1]
Soilik an goragoko aipua, irakur daitezke izendapenak eta adjetiboak nola
- sterile,
- pseudotheories, edo
- trumped-up,
non, Cambridge Dictionary-k diosku ze an US, horrek signifikatzen dú:
- trumped-up adjective: not true, invented
eta an UK (gure kasuan dá informazio osagarria):
- trumped-up adjective: deliberately based on false information so that someone will be accused of doing something wrong and punished
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