astelehena, abuztua 19, 2024

Polonieraz "treść i forma" (1 eta 2 silaba) versus inglesez "form and content" (alderantziz, non 1 eta 2 silaba)

Atzokoan aipatzen genuén artikulu bat ganik M. Ruszkowski, non autoreak zehazten zuén Behaghel-en legea burúz ordena on osagaiak an sekuentziak on osagai sintaktikoki-berdinak (printzipioz referitzen da ki sekuentzia jada  finkatuak an hizkuntza, zein egonen dirén normalki lotuak bidéz "eta", "edo" edo juxtaposizioa), zeinen arabera osagai horiek orokorrean kokatuko zirén an ordena gorakorra respektu euren tamaina silabikoa. Honela zioén Ruszkowski-k an laburpena on bere artikulua titúlatzen "An attempt at statistical verification of Behaghel's linguistic law", zeinen hasiera aipatzen genuén atzo:

In 1909, in reliance of linguistic material coming from a few dozens of world's languages, Otto Behaghel formulated a law which he called the law of increasing terms. It says that an order of constituents in fixed phrases containing equal elements is subject to a certain regularity, the shorter constituent precedes the longer one in general (their length is determined by the number of syllables). [M. Ruszkowski burúz Behaghel-en legea an "An attempt at statistical verification of Behaghel's linguistic law", 2015]

Ruszkowski-k jarraitzen dú bere artikuluko laburpen hori emánez zenbait adibide non erakusten den zértaz ari zén Behaghel. Hortxe doaz:

Quantitative verification of the law involves comparison of the frequency ratio between equal variant structures in which the two constituents of a different length (measured in syllables) are inverted, e.g. ból i cierpienie ('pain and suffering') - cierpienie i ból, lad i porzadek ('law and order') - porzadek i lad, sacrum i profanum ('the sacred and the profane') - profanum i sacrum, treść i forma ('form and content')-forma i treść. [M. Ruszkowski burúz Behaghel-en legea an "An attempt at statistical verification of Behaghel's linguistic law", 2015]

Bereziki interesgarria iruditzen zaigú azken adibide hori:

treść i forma ('form and content')

zeintan polonieraz ematen dén "treść" monosilabikoa lehenago zein "forma" bisilabikoa, bitárten inglesez ematen dén alderantziz, justuki járriz "form" monosilabikoa lehenago zein "content" bisilabikoa, non:

Iruditzen zaigú oso adibide erakusgarria. [2455] [>>>]