Greenberg (1978): "The opposite order leaves the hearer in the dark till the last item is reached."
Atzkokoan amaitzen genuen esánez:
Eta gauza da ze Greenberg-ek berak (1978) deskribatu zuén atzerakargaren ideia an zenbakiak. Saiatuko gara gehiago zehazten puntu hori biharkoan.Horrá Greenberg-en hitzak deskríbatuz atzerakargaren ideia:
There is evidently a cognitive principle involved in the favoring of the order larger + smaller. If I express a large number, say 10,253 in the order 10,000; 200; 50; 3; the very first element gives me a reasonably close approximation to the final result, and every successive item gives a further approximation. The opposite order leaves the hearer in the dark till the last item is reached. (Greenberg 1978:274)
Hain zuzen aipu hori egiten genuén an gure artikulua titúlatzen "Buruz hizkuntzen garapen sintaktiko-diskursiboa" (an "Hizkuntzen berdintasun komunikatiboa: mitoa ala errealitatea?", Mendizabal, 2014:118-119) nola konprobatzen dugún jarraian:
Bai, hortxe da atzerakargaren ideia. [2451] [>>>]
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