ostirala, abuztua 16, 2024

Greenberg (1978): "There is evidently a cognitive principle involved in the favoring of the order larger + smaller."

Atzokoan aipatzen genuen nóla Greenberg-ek deskribatzen duén atzerakargaren ideia (gogoratuz pasarte bat tik gure artikulua titúlatzen "Buruz hizkuntzen garapen sintaktiko-diskursiboa" an "Hizkuntzen berdintasun komunikatiboa: mitoa ala errealitatea?", Mendizabal, 2014:118-119, non mintzo ginen burúz puntu hori):

There is evidently a cognitive principle involved in the favoring of the order larger + smaller. If I express a large number, say 10,253 in the order 10,000; 200; 50; 3; the very first element gives me a reasonably close approximation to the final result, and every successive item gives a further approximation. The opposite order leaves the hearer in the dark till the last item is reached. [Greenberg 1978]

Eta gaur soilki azpimarratu nahi genuké hitz bat an atzoko aipuko lehen esaldia:

There is evidently a cognitive principle involved in the favoring of the order larger + smaller. [Greenberg 1978]
Bai, Greenberg-ek dio evidently, zeren hala da: evidentea. Eta gogora daigun ze zientzian "evidente" hitza erabiltzea ez dela gutxi, nola genioén an ondoko sarrera hau:

non bukatzen genuén justuki esánez:

Beraz, Moreno Cabrera-rentzat ere (1990) evidente zén Tomlin-en azalpen funtzional-komunikatiboa (1984), eta zientzian "evidente" ez da edozer.
Bai, ez da edozer. Dá zerbait evidentea. [2452] [>>>]

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