larunbata, martxoa 05, 2022

Juan Garziaren ereduak soilik ametituko luke SOV ordenamendua: "Amak liburu bat erosi du."

Planteatzen genuén atzo esaldi neutro bat ...

... non aditza eta objetua dirén informazio berri bakarra, eta non ez dagoen arrazoi komunikatiborik ki aukeratu bata edo bestea nola foku markatu:

Amak liburu bat erosi du.

Garziaren ereduan halako esaldi bat soilik eman daiteke an SOV ordena kin azentu neutroa an objetua:

Amak libúru bat erosi du.

Berez, hori izango litzaké foku zabal horietakoa ("wide focus"), non ez sintaktikoki ez  prosodikoki ezin den mugatu zehazki nóndik nora hedatzen den galdegai zabal hori (kontextualki bai, ordea). Gogora daigun ondoko pasartea gain izáera e foku zabala (ikus an "Eta gero daukagú foku zabala edo neutroa (kin azentu neutroa, nuklearra)"):

(29b) Gaur umeek abesti berri bi abestu dituzte.

The main sentence stress borne on the direct object in both sentences in (29) is tipically found in sentences occurring in the neutral order. As is well kwoun, neutral order is pronounced whith a neutral focus intonation (which we may now identify as main stress),...

(29b) represents the unmarked or neutral word order for the constituents of a simple transitive clause in Basque, SOV.

[Oinoharra ganik Arantzazu Elordieta: Keep in mind that I use the term "unmarked"  in the sense of neutral order in relation to the information structure of the sentence; in other words, when no constituent is understood to be more prominent or informative than the other constituents in the sentence.]

(29b) has an interpretation according to which the entire sentence can be viewed as the focus phrase. But, in addition (29b) can also have two further interpretations, according to which only the VP abesti berri bi abestu 'sing two songs' represents the new information of the sentence, and a third reading, in which only the object phrase abesti berri bi 'two new songs' is interpreted as the information focus of the sentence. The three readings are given below (the intended focused constituent in each reading is marked in italics):

(30) Gaur umeek abesti berri bi abestu dituzte.

I. "Today the children sang two new songs

II. "Today the children sang two new songs

III. "Today the children sang two new songs"  

In fact, the paradigm illustrated in (30) is the typical pattern observed in 'wide focus' utterances in many languages, as discussed in Cinque (1993) and Zubizarreta (1998), namely, that under the same neutral focus intonation, all of the constituents in a sentence can be interpreted as focus. [Arantzazu Elordieta, 2001:130-131]

Azpimarratú ze hor mintzo da buruz azentu neutroa, ez-markatua, zein, ordena neutroan, interpreta liteke nola:

I. Esaldi osoko foku zabala.

II. Predikatu mailako foku zabala.

III. Objetu mailako foku zabala.

Orobat gogoratu nahi genuke ondoko pasartea ti sarrera titúlatzen "Juan Garziak, aldiz, bái esaten du ze esaldi neutroak amaitu behar dira kin aditza (esaldi neutroak adibidéz textu formaletan izan beharko liraké gehien-gehienak)":

Juan Garziak bái esaten du ze esaldi neutroak amaitu behar dira kin aditza (esaldi neutroak adibidéz textu formaletan izan beharko liraké gehien-gehienak). Ikus daigun ondoko aipua ti bere "Esaldiaren antolaera. Funtzio informatiboak gako" (Juan Garzia, 2015:29)", non Juan Garziak erakusten digun zéin den bere ereduko ordena neutroa, zein baita derrigorrezkoa baldin esaldia neutroa izanen bada:

subjektua (abs.(erg.) [edo datiboa,]/ zirkunstantziala(k)/.../aditza

Bestela, ordena ez da izanen neutroa eta ondorioz izanen dugú galdegai markatu bat. Beraz, Juan Garziaren ereduak exigitzen dú ze aditza koka dadin an bukaera baldin esaldi neutroa izanen bada.

Labúrbilduz, Juan Garziaren ereduak soilik ametituko luke SOV ordenamendua, hots: 

Amak liburu bat erosi du.

Bide batez esán ze, fokua objetuan markatua balitz (enfatikoa, estua, "narrow focus"), Garziarenean aukera hori zabalduko litzaké ki ondoko bi ordenok:

Amak liburu bat erosi du.

Liburu bat erosi du amak.

Ondo rigidoki.