Tomlin (1986): "... The principal reason for this is that under certain circumstances one principle may interact with another in ways which may neutralize it."
Komentatzen genuen atzo nóla Tomlin-ek dioen an bere "Basic word order. Functional principles" (1986):
... data from single languages could not constitute sufficient counterevidence to refute a language-general principle. [Tomlin, 1986:130]
eta nóla
Justuki horren jarraian, Tomlin-ek emanen digú bere azalpena ("the principal reason"), ... [Tomlin, 1986:130]
The principal reason for this is that under certain circumstances one principle may interact with another in ways which may neutralize it . So, for example, under the analysis presented here verb-initial languages cannot in principle realize all three functional principles . Either the TFP and AFP can be realized, yielding VSO orders, or VOB can be realized , yielding VOS orders. [Tomlin, 1986:130]
Esan nahi baita ze existitu ahal dira inkonpatibilitateak artén Tomlin-en printzipio funtzionalak azpi zenbait ordena posible (ordena aditzaurrenak kasu), zeintan ezin litezken bateratu printzipio horiek (Tomlin, 1986:125):
Ondo da, baina horrek segituan planteatzen digu beste galdera bat:- Existizen badira, nola existitzen diren, bi ordena (SOV eta SVO) non Tomlin-en hiru printzipioak betetzen diren, zergátik ez dira sintaxi guztiak pertenitzen ki ordena horiek? Zergátik existitzen dira sintaxi realak non ez diren betetzen hiru printzipio horiek?
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