asteartea, abuztua 20, 2024

Ruszkowski (2015): "All the sixteen pairs of combinations show the prevailing word order: a shorter noun - a longer noun."

Duela hiru egun Bittor Hidalgo-k mahaigainera ekartzen zigún Behaghel-en legea/joera:

It [Behaghel-en legea] says that an order of constituents in fixed phrases containing equal elements is subject to a certain regularity, the shorter constituent precedes the longer one in general (their length is determined by the number of syllables). [M. Ruszkowski burúz Behaghel-en legea an "An attempt at statistical verification of Behaghel's linguistic law", 2015]
zeintaz mintzatu ginén herenegun eta atzo jarráiki artikulu bat ganik M. Ruszkowski, eta zeinen laburpenean autoreak jarraitzen duén esanez:

Calculations were made based on the material excerpted from the National Corpus of Polish. All the sixteen pairs of combinations show the prevailing word order: a shorter noun - a longer noun.  [M. Ruszkowski burúz Behaghel-en legea an "An attempt at statistical verification of Behaghel's linguistic law", 2015]

Hortaz bilatu dirá gure intereseko sekuentziak an National Corpus of Polish datu-basea, non aurkitu dirén 16 konbinazio zek betetzen dute Behaghel-en eskakizuna. Ez dirudite asko, baina hala ere, denek ere, %100ek betetzen duté Behaghel-en legea. Gainera, kontuan hartúz adibidez atzoko adibide erakusgarria...

[treść i forma ('form and content')] ... zeintan polonieraz ematen dén "treść" monosilabikoa lehenago zein "forma" bisilabikoa, bitárten inglesez ematen dén alderantziz, justuki járriz "form" monosilabikoa lehenago zein "content" bisilabikoa,...
bádirudi ze Behaghel-en joera hori ez dela soilik intuizio bat, baizik ze sostenga liteké enpirikoki. [2456] [>>>]