ostirala, abendua 15, 2006

... a flexible alternative ...

Winfred P. Lehmann hizkuntzalariak dio hemen:
(turkieran) ... use of postponed (VO) clauses with ki provides a flexible alternative in Turkish to the preposed relative clauses required in an OV language.
Yet ki clauses have fallen into disuse, especially since attention was turned to "purifying" the language following the Atatürk revolution. Both their current rejection, and their introduction from Persian would repay careful study.
Badirudi ze, Euskal Herrian bezala, Turkian ere giro soziolinguistikoa ez dela "onena" xede hizkuntz garapena.

Dudarik gabe, turkierak komunikatiboki asko irabaziko luke baldin irabaziko balitu aukera erosoak xede desplegatzea perpaus erlatibo potentzialki luze edo konplexuak bide eskuma. Adibide baterako, definizioak askoz modu artikulatuagoan (eta askoz modu deduktibo-reflexiboagoan) eman eta hartuko ziren.

Baina, ez da giro! [96] []