asteartea, urria 15, 2019

Vietnamera: 12 manera ki esan "can"

Genioen hemen ze:
Hizkuntza tonaletan, tonuek izan ahal duté efektu biderkatzaile handia, halatan ze tonu ezberdinetako silabak konsideratu litezké nola balira vokal ezberdinekoak, nondik, vokalen kopurua multiplikatu beharko litzaké bider tonu-kopurua afin konpútatu "vokalen" kopurua (tonuak barne).
Batzutan, duda ere egin liteké ahoskera bat noráino den tonu edo vokal. Ikus horretaz ondoko komentarioa on Bui Hoang Linh burúz tonuak an vietnamera:
It is often mistaken that Vietnamese has only 6 tones, namely,
Huyền Falling
Sắc Rising
Hỏi Curling fall
Ngã Curling rise
Nặng Lowly fall
Bằng Flat
This misconception is due to the limited detonation signs the Portuguese has used to denote the spoken Vietnamese language. This lead to a belief that only “tonal signs” that are counted (e é ẻ ẹ ẽ è). In reality, the extra letters that are being used in the Vietnamese alphabet serve no purpose other than to denote the subtones that can be coupled with the maintones (namely, ă â ê ô ơ ư) to produce totally different tones. Among these special letters, there is one letter ă that is undoubtedly tonal (pronounced as á but it give an abrupt ending sound to the syllable-similar to Cantonese ending the word with -p -k -t). The other letters can be considered as different vowel for simplification purpose. So total we have,
a (can) Flat
á (cán) Rising
ả (cản) Curling fall
ạ (cạn) Lowly fall
ã (cãn) Curling rise
à (càn) Falling
ă (căn) Flat with abrupt end
ắ (cắn) Rising with abrupt end
ẳ (cẳn) Curling fall with abrupt end
ặ (cặn) Lowly fall with abrupt end
ẵ (cẵn) Curling rise with abrupt end
ằ (cằn) Falling with abrupt end
Total of minimum 12 tones in the Vietnamese language.
Tonu, subtonu edo vokal konsideratuta ere, vietnamerak izango luké tonu-sistema konplexua, kin aukera vokal-tonal zabala, zek ahalbídetu, adibidez, 12 manera ki esán "can".

Eta gauza da ze, Pellegrino et al. lanean (8 hizkuntza), vietnamerak dauká informazio-densitate altuena (silaba gutxien) eta bigarren abiadura silabiko baxuena, 5,22 silaba segunduko (mandarinak du baxuena kin 5,18), eta Coupé et al. lanean (17 hizkuntza), vietnamerak izanen luké berriro informazio densitate silabiko altuena, eta berriro ere izanen litzaké bigarren silabikoki motelena (nahiz orain motelena izán thai hizkuntza, zein aurreko ikerketan ez zen agertzen).

Edonola ere, vietnamerak izanen luké abiadura silabiko motelenetakoa, nola esperoko genuen. [683] [>>>]

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