ostirala, iraila 03, 2021

Cinque (1993) gain foku zabala: "The focus of IP is any constituent containing the main stress of IP, as determined by the main stress algorithm"

Atzokoan genún amaitzen gure sarrera esánez ze:

... (ari gara gain kokapena e azentu nuklearra, zein egon behar da barné foku zabal bat zeinen hedadura, ikusten denez, beste kontu bat da).

Eta baita ikusten genuen nóla Arantzazu Elordieta (an bere tesia titulatzén "Verb movement and constituent premutation in Basque, 2001:131-132) mintzo zitzaigun buruz ...

... the typical pattern observed in 'wide focus' [gure 'foku zabala'] utterances in many languages, as discussed in Cinque (1993) and Zubizarreta (1998), namely, that under the same neutral focus intonation, all of the constituents of a sentence can be interpreted as focus. [Elordieta, 2001]

Jarraian, Elordieta (2001) digu gogoratzen nóla Cinque (1993) dún erlazionatzen azentu neutroa (nuklearra) eta foku zabalaren hedadura:

The focus of IP [Inflectional Phrase, esan nahi baita esaldia] is any constituent containing the main stress of IP, as determined by the main stress algorithm [Cinque, 1993]

Genioenez, gauza bat dá azentu nuklearra, eta beste bat noráino hedatzen den foku zabala zeinen barruan dén azentu nuklear hori.