R. de Rijk (1972): "In particular, there is no difference in intonation between restrictive and appositive relative clauses in Basque."
Atzoko sarreran genioen ze "-n" erlatiboak izan daitezké murriztaileak edo ez-murriztaileak aráuz kontextua. Puntu horretaz, ikus ondorengo aipua ganik R. de Rijk burúz "-n" erlatiboak ("Studies in Basque syntax: relative clauses", 1972):
What about the distinction between restrictive and appositive relative clauses, so important in the grammar of English and other Indo-European languages? I can be quite brief here: I am unaware of any syntactic differences in Basque between these two types of relative clauses, except for the obvious universal cooccurrence restrictions between either type of relative and certain types of head noun phrases. In Basque, like everywhere else, a relative clause that modifies a noun phrase with an underlying (i.e. deictic) demonstrative element must be non restrictive. When certain quantifiers, like guzti "all" and bakoitz "each" occur associated with the head noun phrase, the relative clause can only be restrictive. Apart from this, however, my investigations have failed to show any differences in syntactic behavior between the two. In particular, there is no difference in intonation between restrictive and appositive relative clauses in Basque.Interpretazioa, beraz, izan beharko litzaké kontextuala. [748] [>>>]
No structural differences could be found between restrictive and non-restrictive (appositive) relative clauses. [R. de Rijk, 1972:139]
Etiketak: erlatiboak, intonazioa
Hala argui begui çuen arguiac guiconén aitzinean, çuen obra onac ikus ditzatençat, eta glorifica deçaten çuen Aita ceruètan dena.
çuen Aita ceruetan dena
1) regressivoa:
ceruetan den çuen Aita
2) progressivoa:
çuen Aita cein baita ceruetan
Norc-ere beraz hautsiren baitu manamendu chipién hautaric bat, eta iracatsiren baititu hunela guiçonac, chipién deithuren da hura ceruètaco resumán: baina norc-ere eguinen baititu eta iracatsiren, hura handi deithuren da ceruètaco resumán.
Beraz, agindurik txikienetako bat hausten edota hausten irakasten duena, txikien bezala hartuko du Jainkoak bere erreinuan; betetzen edota betetzen irakasten duena, ordea, handitzat hartuko du Jainkoak bere erreinuan.
Syntaxi progressivoa:
norc ere hautsico baitu...
(= norc ere hauts baiteça...)
Syntaxi regressivoa:
... hautsico duen edonor
... (hauts deçan edonor)
qualquiera que
Josu Lavin
Dohatsu dirade iustitiaz gosse eta egarri diradenac: ceren hec asseren baitirade.
Dohatsu dirade haiec cein baitirade gosse eta egarri justiciaz
haiec cein => ceinac
Dohatsu dirade ceinac baitirade gosse eta egarri justiciaz
Argitaratu iruzkina
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