igandea, martxoa 01, 2020

Bide beretik izan genezaké "d(a)rantz(a)..." ere

Aurreko sarreran komentatzen genuen a-aukera hen "dara..." partikula prepositivoa, berdin nola aurrerago ikusiak genituén "draino..." eta "danik...". Bide beretik izan genezaké "d(a)rantz(a)..." ere.

Horren inguruan, Ekaitz Santaziliak biltzen dizkigú ondorengo azalpenak buruz sorrera hen "-rantz" atzizkia ("Noun Morphology", 2013):
More recently, Gómez (2005) has reconstructed *-raontz, from which the three attested variants could be derived. It would be an agglutination of the allative -ra plus an old noun *-ontz, which according to Gómez would be semantically close to Lat. versus ‘facing → towards’, and would have undergone the same grammaticalization. Hence, the Basque reconstruction might be a loan translation of the Latin ad versum (ibid.: 276). The Basque word ontzi ‘recipient (of a liquid)’, in turn, would be a morphological derivation of that *-ontz
Lakarra (2008a) suggests that ontzi is a loan word (possibly from Lat. conchea ‘shell-like, concave’), and prefers instead *-ra + dontz (ibid.: 484), or even *-ra + *-da-non-tz, as the source of the directional allative. This would be formed by the variant *-rada (> -rat) of the allative (cf. § + the Proto-Basque root *non + the derivational suffix -tz. The root *non would have a meaning of movement which would also be present in joan ‘to go’ (< *e-danon) (cf. Lakarra 2006a: 583-4). [Santazilia:2013:267-268]
Jatorria edozein delarik, eta jarraiki ber eredua nondik atera dén adibidez "draino...", eskura legoke "d(a)rantz(a)..." ere. []