ostirala, otsaila 18, 2005

Hizkuntz Ekonomia

Irakurri berri dugu artikulua titulatzen The Economy Principle in Language (2003), non hizkuntzalari Alessandra Vicentinik azaltzen du nóla hizkuntzalarien artean askotan erabili dirén printzipio ekonomikoak afin azaldu aldaketa linguistikoak, eta aspalditik ere. Alessandra Vicentinik dio ondorengoa:
The English language - which was also an inflected language in ancient times - has undergone a general decay of nominal, pronominal, adjectival and verbal inflectional systems, so that nowadays it has come to be an analytical language. This evolution is the result of phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexical modifications and reorganizations that can be interpreted in the light of linguistic economy. The structure of the language has gone through several changes and adaptations in order to attain the best possible communication. [51 or.]
Ekonomilariak gutxitan sartu gara an esparru linguistikoa, baina, izan, bádira lanak zein joan diren norabide horretan. Adibidez, nire mahai gainean daukat liburukia deitzén The Economics of Language (Donald M. Lamberton-ek 2002-an editatua), non ahal diren irakurri zenbait artikulu buruz topiko hau, batzuk aski zaharrak nola hori titulatzén Economics of Language, idatzia per ekonomilari Jakob Marschak an 1965. Nire liburua bera (deitzen Euskararen garabideak) dá sartzen bete-betean an esparrua on Hizkuntz Ekonomia.

Lamberton-ek, bere liburuaren sarreran, dú galdetzen (eta Marschak-ek erantzun):
Why are the known languages of the present and the past what they are or were? What were the characteristics of a language that favoured survival rather than extinction? For example, he (Jakob Marshak-ek) argued that "if greater complexity of language means its ability to express a greater variety of situations, and the environment tends to fluctuate strongly and frecuently, a complex (or shall we say flexible?) language will have a higher chance of survival".
Bistan denez, existitzen da gogoeta-esparru zientifiko multidisziplinar bat non bilatzen baitira erantzunak tu galderak nola goragokoak; eta hor ekonomilariok ere (ez soilik hizkuntzalariek) bádugu zer esan. [15] []

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