Maurits & Griffiths (2014): "... the higher frequency of SOV in present languages is perhaps best attributed to widespread descent from ancestral SOV languages, while the high frequency of SVO seems to be due to preferred directions of word-order change... presumably affected by functionality"
Maurits & Griffiths (2014) aski orokorrean ("on the whole") mintzo direlarik, euren ereduan ez dute konsideratzen ha efektua on kontaktu linguistikoa ezta ere ha efektua on behar eta baldintza komunikatibo ezberdinak an garai oso diferenteak, baina hala ere argiki bereizten dituzte arrazoi orokor-nagusiak zergátik gaur egun egonen liraké, alde batetik, maiztasun handia (nahiz jaitsiz) an (S)OV sintaxiak, eta bestetik maiztasun orobat handia an (S)VO sintaxiak (eta igoz):
On the whole, it seems that the higher frequency of SOV in present languages is perhaps best attributed to widespread descent from ancestral SOV languages, while the high frequency of SVO seems to be due to preferred directions of word-order change and variation in word-order stability, both of which are presumably affected by functionality.
Ikusten dugunez, ematen dituzte oso arrazoi ezberdinak: (S)OV sinpleki etorriko lirake ti aintzinako egoera bat, bitárten, oso ezberdinki, (S)VO sintaxiak gerota gehiago zabaltzen ariko lirakén...
... presumably affected by functionality...non ulertu beharko litzake ze funtzionalitate hori referitzen den ki behar linguistikoak azpi baldintza komunikatibo orokorrak, askoz exigenteagoak zein beharrak zein zirén existitzen noiz sintaxiak sortzen ari zirén ti zero. Bai, azken buruan, (S)VO zabaltzen ariko litzake zatio bere funtzionalitate erlatibo handiagoa azpi baldintza exigenteagoak. [1359] [>>>]
Etiketak: Maurits & Griffiths, SOV->SVO