asteartea, maiatza 01, 2007

Burúz evoluzioa on hizkuntza latinoa

Egon naiz bilatzen zehaztasunák buruz nola gertatu zen evoluzio sintaktikoá on hizkuntza latinoa (jarraituz hildoá on Josu Lavinen komentario bat), eta aurkitu dut liburu oso interesgarri bat deitzén "An Introduction to Vulgar Latin", idatzia per "a principal authority on Vulgar Latin" [Encyclopedia Britannica]: Charles Hall Grandgent, an 1907.

Harek dio gauzak nola:
The Romance order is simpler and more rational than that of Classic Latin. [30. 0r.]
The modern order is the more logical, proceeding from the known to the unknown. [30. or.]
Horrixe deitzen zaio ordena informatiboa: aurrena gaia, gero osagarria.
The change constitutes a progress in language; all cultivated peoples have made it. It is indigenous in Latin, not imitated from the Greek, which independently effected the same transformation. [31. or.]
Ez dakit zehazki zer esan nahi duen Charles Hall Grandgent-ek noiz dioen: "all cultivated peoples have made it" (aldaketa hori); zeren, aurretik esan digu ze:
The most irrational features of the Classical Latin construction were surely artificial, and were not characteristic of daily speech. [30. or.]
Edozein kasutan, hala hizkuntza xehea nola hizkuntza jasoa joan ziren aldatzen an norabide bera kin ritmo ezberdinak:
The modern order was not abruptly substitued for the old. On the contrary, it is to be found in Latin, with generally increasing frequency, in inscriptions and popular writers, from the earliest texts down, it occurs sporadically also in literary authors, especially in Cicero. [31. or]
Eta gogora dezagun Cicero konsideratu zela eredu. Nik irakurri dut lan bát ti Cicero (De amicitia, edizio elebiduná latina-gaztelania, non estruktura ikusten da argiki), eta hor behintzat, Cicero-ren prosa da ondo modernoa, ondo SVO, ondo progresiboa:
Classic Latin may be said to represent an intermediate stage, while the revolution was in progress; there was a long struggle, and for centuries the ancient and the modern type were used side by side. By the fourth century the new order prevailed. [31. or.]
Badirudi, edonola ere, ze, ordena-kontuetan, hizkuntza latino xeheak markatu zuela bidea:

Zinez, oso interesgarria. [113] []

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