XK9: ...there is nothing as imperfect, or as impractical, as the national language of Japan (Naoya)
Xabier Kintanak zioen an bere kritika tu Erramun:
Zergatik ez zoaz japoniarrengana gauza bera predikatzen? Haiek ere SOV tipoko mintzaira daukate, eta segur aski horregatik daude hain atzeraturik.Japoniarrengana ez, baina itzultzaile japoniar batengana bai jo genuela aspaldi, hari galdetzeko zein ote zen bere iritzia buruz kontu guzti hauek (aurrena Josu Lavin-ek eta gero nik ere aukera izan nuen). Hona hemen bere erantzun esanguratsu bat:
Lingua iaponica demens est.Dementziala, beraz. Eta honela justifikatzen zuen bere esana:
Nam facilius est deductiviter cogitare.Alegia, errazagoa dela pensatzea deduktiboki (buruak aurretik) ezen-ez induktiboki (buruak atzetik).
Baina, ideia hauek guztiak ez dira berriak an Japonia. Izan ere, Japonian inkluso existitu dira proposamen serioak tu ordezkatu euren hizkuntza induktibo (regresiboa) per hizkuntza deduktiboren (progresiboren) bat nola inglesa edo frantsesa. Proposatzaile horietako bat izan zen Mori Arinori (1847-1889), zein garai batez izan zen Japoniako Hezkuntza-Ministroa. Berrikiago, Shiga Naoya poeta eta letra-gizonak (1883-1972) eginen zuen bere saioa (Shiga was awarded the Order of Culture by the Japanese government in 1949). Naoyaren hitzak dira hurrengook:
We have been accustomed to our present national language since the days of our childhood, and we do not feel all that much in particular about it. But I am of the opinion that there is nothing as imperfect, or as impractical, as the national language of Japan. Once we realize the extent to which the development of our culture has been impeded by this fact, we will also see that here there is a major issue that must by all means be solved on this occasion [Japan's military defeat]. It is no exageration to say that unless we achieve such a solution, no hope may be entertained for Japan developing into a genuinely modern nation [..]. To document in concrete detail just how imperfect the national language of Japan really is, and to show just how impractical it is, is too vexing a task, and one beyond my abilities; but this is what I have come to feel constantly and most keenly, during my nearly forty years as an author. [Shiga Naoya]Zeren, gauza da ze Japonia dá potentzia ekonomiko eta industrial bat, baina ez da, inondik inora, potentzia linguistiko bat. Zergatik? [128] [⇶]