asteazkena, abuztua 04, 2021

Kiparsky (1996): "An interesting asymmetry in syntactic change is that OV base order is commonly replaced by VO, whereas the reverse development is quite rare in languages."

Jarraitzen dugu kin Hoeks eta bere artikulua titúlatzen "From SOV to SVO" (2016):

It is not inmediately evident however, that word order change actually is driven by functional preferences in the first place. In fact, several explanations have been proposed that explain the shift towards SVO not in terms of functional preferences, but rather by suggesting that this shift is due to contact with other languages. However, with respect to these accounts, Kiparsky (1996) argues that an explanation for the change into SVO cannot be found solely in the influence of other languages, because there seems to be no clear correlation between the degree of contact with SVO languages and the distribution of SOV and SVO languages at all. Exemplary in this argument is Icelandic, a language that changed from SOV into SVO without having any notable contact throughout its history with other languages. [Hoeks, 2016]

Kiparsky-k dio an bere artikulua ("The Shift to Head-Initial VP in Germanic"):

..., the distribution of VO vs. OV within the different branches of the Germanic family correlates poorly with the degree of contact which they have had with VO languages. [...] If contact were the primary cause of the change, we might have expected Dutch and German to have adopted VO and Scandinavian to have retained OV, which is just the reverse of what actually happened. [...] The attribution of the OV to VO shift to borrowing would also not explain the slow and steady spread of the change in each of the languages (Santorini 1989, 1993b, Pintzuk 1991, Rögnvaldsson 1993). [Kiparsky, 1996]

Bestalde, Kiparsky-k hasten dú bere 1996ko artikulua kin hitz hauek:

An interesting asymmetry in syntactic change is that OV base order is commonly replaced by VO, whereas the reverse development is quite rare in languages. [Kiparsky, 1996] 

Dudagabe, oso asimetria interesgarria. [1342] [>>>] [A7] [A8] [A9]

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asteazkena, martxoa 24, 2021

Defektuzko azentua doá gain osagarria

Diozu Bittor:

1. VO hizkuntzetan IU bakoitzaren barruan GAILUR AZENTUAL / INTONATIBOA joan liteke hasieran, tartean edo amaieran. Hala:
[JÓHN came yesterday]
[John CÁME yesterday] zein
[John came YÉSTERDAY]

Horiek dirá gailur markatuak, zein jarri ahal dirén nonahi (inkluso markátuz silaba bat an oposizioa ki beste silaba bat), baina defektuzko azentua doá gain osagarria ("yesterday") eta ez gain sujetua ("John") edo aditza ("came"):

[John came yésterday]

Hor dá asimetria bat arten osagarria (prosodikoki nabarmendua) eta sujetua edo aditza (prosodikoki ez-nabarmenduak): defektuzko azentua doá gain osagarria. []

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igandea, azaroa 15, 2020

Kayne (1994): 'This S-H-C (espezifikatzaile-buru-osagarri) property of UG (Gramatika Universala), ... is thus seen to be ultimately related to the asymmetry of time'

Gramatika Universala, dakigunez, litzake zerbait zein izango genukén biologikoki grabatua an giza-burmuina, halan ze, aráuz Kayne, burmuinean eramanen genuké honako estruktura sintaktiko universala: "espezifikatzaile-buru-osagarri" ("S-H-C"). Horrela, ordena finko hori izanen litzaké propietate bat on Gramatika Universala, propietate bat zeinen arabera burmuinaren ustezko "oinarrian" soilik genera litekén halako ordena hori, nondik akaso derivatu litezke beste ordena batzuk.

Kayne-k diosku ("The antisymmetry of Syntax", 1994:38):

Hor, Kayne, noiz finean behar duén justifikatu ha asimetria artén ordena buruazkena eta ordena burulehena, dú erabiliko elementu sorpresibo bat, guztiz berria an argumentazio formalistak, nola dén "ha asimetria on denbora". Horrela, Kayne ari da justifikatzen Gramatika Universalaren ordena finko hori ("S-H-C") an asimetria artén sekuentzia tenporal diferenteak, halan ze burmuinean grabatua genuke nóla elementu sintaktiko batzuk hobe doazén lehenago zeinda geroago. Finean Kayne ari da justifikatzen Gramatika Universalaren ordena hori an koherentzia on ordena, an gure betiko argumentu funtzionala.

Eta berriro diogu, ez dugu behar halako asimetria tenporala grabatua an gure burmuin sintaktikoa, nahikoa da ikustea ze denbora (berdin nola ordena) komunikatiboki asimetrikoa da: alegia, ez da berdin arian-arian joán ematen eta jasotzen informazioa zein ahal den ia instantaneoki interpretatu an baldintza abantailatsuak barné estruktura ireki bat, edo ematea informazioa an ordena (edo denbora) sintaktikoki eta interpretazionalki inkoherentea. Ez, ez da batere berdin. Diskursiboki. Funtzionalki. [1080] [>>>]

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asteartea, otsaila 16, 2016

Nahi duenak ikus beza: erabili dituzté errore-portzentajeak eta reakzio-denborak noiz konparatzen SOV eta OSV, baina ez noiz konparatzen SVO eta OSV

Itziar Laka-ren "SVO eta OVS hurrenkerak" islatzen dá artikulua ganik Laka eta Erdozia (2012) titúlatzen "Linearization preferences given “free word order”; subject preferences given ergativity: a look at Basque" (2012). Ikus:
The results revealed that verb-medial SVO and OVS sentences do not display a processing asymmetry. As it is shown in (14A), the only significant differences obtained in the comparison between singular and plural conditions. Those differences were arguably due to conceptual and/or morphological complexity, but clearly not to syntactic structure.

These results converge with claims made in Basque Linguistics that all word orders other than SOV are derived via syntactic displacement. (Laka eta Erdozia, 2012)
Baina esan behar da ze aipuko (14A) horretan soilik ari dira konsideratzen irakurketa-denborak!!  berdin nola an "SVO eta OVS hurrenkerak". Esan nahi baita ze, euren konklusioan, SVO eta OVS  do not display a processing asymmetry justuki zeren irakurketa-denborak ez dira esanguratsuki diferenteak (irakur mesedez hau). Baina, zergátik ez dituzte valoratu ulermen-ariketaren emaitzak? Izan ere, bistakoa iruditzen zaigú ze baldin ordenaren batean errore-tasak edota reakzio-denborak nabarmenki handiagoak balira, orduan bái existituko litzakeela a processing asymmetry. Ez al zaie burutik pasa? Ikus dezagun:

2012ko artikulu horretan bertan, Laka-k eta Erdozia-k konparatu dituzté SOV eta OSV, eta hor aurrena aurkeztu dituzté emaitzak ti experimentu sinple bat non soilik erabili dituzte morfologia singularreko esaldiak (eta gero, bigarren experimentu batean erabili dituzté esaldi pluralak eta anbiguoak). Eta gauza da ze experimentu horretan bái valoratu dituzte irakurketa-denborak, reakzio-denborak eta errore-portzentajeak, nola ikusi ahal dugun an euren ondoko pasartea:
As shown in (3A), the total time participants required to read the sentences was significantly longer for OSV sentences and shorter for SOV. (3B) shows that participants took longer to read and answer comprehension questions related to OSV as compared to SOV. (3C) shows that, even though the amount of errors in the comprehension question was very low, it was significantly higher for OSV sentences. All these measures indicate that processing an SOV sentence is significantly faster and easier than processing OSV sentences for native speakers of Basque, even though all sentences are equally grammatical. This result is convergent with the claim made in Linguistics that OSV sentences are syntactically more complex than SOV sentences in this language. [Laka eta Erdozia, 2012]
Beraz, hor bai, 2012ko artikulu bereko konklusio horretan bái erabili dituzte errore-portzentajeak eta reakzio-denborak noiz konparatzen SOV eta OSV. Eta galdera da: nolákoak lirake errore-portzentajeak eta reakzio denborak an antzeko experimentu bat (esaldi singular morfologikoki sinpleak) noiz konparatzen SVO eta OVS?

Ba, alde batetik, aurreko postean zehaztu genuen nóla errore-portzentajeetan báda diferentzia nabarmena alde SVO respektu OVS (akaso izanki emaitzarik erabakiorrena). Eta bestetik, reakzio-denborak hauek ditugu (Erdozia-ren tesia [2006], 129. or.):

non, berriro ere, existitzen da diferentzia nabarmena aldé SVO respektu OVS (beste sarrera batean mintzatuko gara burúz Laka-k eta Erdozia-k erabilitako datu horiek, non 33 parte-hartzaileetatik 10ren datuak utzi zituzten analisitik kanpo!).

Beraz, SOV eta OSV konparatzean, goragoko aipuan nabarmendutako zati horiek errepikatu beharko lirake noiz konparatzen SVO eta OVS an antzeko experimentu bat. Zeren konparazio horretan ere, errore-portzentajeak eta reakzio-denborak indicate that processing an SVO sentence is significantly faster and easier than processing OVS sentences azpi experimentuko baldintza sinple horiek. 

Hala eta guztiz ere, Lakak, SVO eta OVS konparatzean, diosku ze: Nabarmentzekoa da ez dugula inolako prozesamendu-abantailarik aurkitu subjektua lehenengo duen hurrenkeraren kasuan (SVO)!!

Nahi duenak, ikus beza. [229] []


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